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How i get organized !

Get organized with me.

Some tips i love to share with my friends and colleagues.

How do i get organized? (Ask my mom, i was always a free spirit, spontaneous, rebel against the system, in the moment, against rigidity and routine, beautifully messy) As i matured, i realized the cravings i had for balance.

This need to have balance and synergy in my life would lead to me learning and implementing some new things! Growth

And through this I FOUND THAT I ACTUALLY LOVE feeling organized. It has helped my anxiety so much. The beauty is... i can still be me. Even MORE of me, since i am able to work towards clarity, goals, and help people using my new skills and passions :)

Tip #1 - Routine

Routine is not boring, not a bad thing and DEFINATELY not something i need to strive for 100% of the time, my goal is actually to stick to my routine 70% of the time and to also leave room to switch things up.

Tip #2 - Make lists, and update them

Lists are the most common way we try to stay organized, but how many of us loose our lists, fail to look at them often, forget to upgrade them? Use your list properly using tools that you like, i bookmark my clickup list to my browser. It's the first thing i open up on my computer.

Bonus: Whatever you didn't get done, just move it over to the next day. It'll be fine, i promise :)

Tip #3 - Invest in tools

Don't cheap out on your tools. I can't stress this enough. I feel highly motivated to stay organized when i use tools that i love. I invest in quality tools and so i use them to help me stay organized in the best ways. Hire a professional to help you get organized until you feel confident with your own organization. You will not regret this.

Tip #4 - Prioritize health

Prioritize health. This is key,

I can not get or stay organized when my mind, body or soul is out of wack. I put effort in trying to find a balance with health so even on days where i do not feel the BEST, thigs around me will not fall apart.

Tip #5 - Find the right audio

My focus and concentration music helps me to feel great while i am checking on my list, doing tasks, working on things and organizing myself. This has been a game changer for me. Finding the right flow is everything for my mental health.

Don't give up

Check out my favorite playlists to help me bang out some work and keep me focused at home !

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